How to get Deepslate in Minecraft easily

How to get Deepslate in Minecraft easily

Deepslate is a new type of stone added to Minecraft in the Caves and Cliffs update. It offers many benefits to players and is a key material for fast-paced in-game development. This article will provide you with detailed information about Deepslate, including how to get Deepslate in Minecraft easily.

How to get Deepslate in Minecraft easily
How to get Deepslate in Minecraft easily

1. What is Deepslate?

Deepslate is a stone with higher durability than regular stone and can be found below the regular stone layer, most commonly between y=6 and y=(-6). It can be used to craft a variety of items, including:

  • Tools and weapons: Deepslate can be used to craft tools and weapons with higher durability than other stone types.
  • Building materials: Deepslate can be used to craft building blocks such as Deepslate bricks and slabs.
  • Decoration: Deepslate can be used to decorate your builds.

2. How to get Deepslate in Minecraft

There are two ways to obtain Deepslate:

2. How to get Deepslate in Minecraft
2. How to get Deepslate in Minecraft

2.1. Mining

  • You will need a pickaxe to mine Deepslate. A diamond pickaxe is the best choice as it mines faster.
  • Find a Deepslate layer cave, which can be done by mining from the surface or finding a deep enough cave entrance.
  • Once you have found Deepslate, use your pickaxe to mine it.

2.2. Smelting Cobblestone

  • Open the Furnace.
  • Add fuel to the bottom slot.
  • Add Cobblestone to the top slot.
  • Deepslate will appear in the right slot after smelting.

3. How to Craft Deepslate

Currently, there is no way to craft Deepslate directly in Minecraft. However, you can use mined Deepslate to create various items.

4. Benefits of Deepslate

Deepslate offers many benefits to players, including:

  • High durability: Deepslate has higher durability than regular stone, making tools and weapons crafted from Deepslate last longer.
  • Fire resistance: Deepslate has high fire resistance, making builds made from Deepslate safer.
  • Aesthetics: Deepslate has a unique and beautiful appearance, making builds made from Deepslate more appealing.

5. Notes when using Deepslate

  • Deepslate cannot be mined by hand.
  • Deepslate has high fire resistance, but it can still be destroyed by TNT.
  • Deepslate is a relatively rare type of stone, so use it sparingly.


Deepslate is a valuable type of stone in Minecraft with many benefits. Use Deepslate to craft tools, weapons, and building materials to increase your in-game efficiency. You can reading How to Craft Sticks in Minecraft

Have fun with Deepslate!

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