How to build team DB12 – Beginner to Speed

How to build team DB12 - Beginner to Speed

In the magical and mysterious world of Summoner Wars, Dungeon Boss 12 (DB12) has emerged as a challenge not for the weak. With powerful monsters and fierce battles, building a strong army is the key to success in this challenge.

In this article XGame will guide you how to build team DB12. As well as the proposed lineups chosen by many players.

How to build team DB12 - Beginner to Speed
How to build team DB12 – Beginner to Speed

You can refer to the article:


  1. Verdehile – Fire Vampire:
    • Verdehile is an ideal choice with the ability to speed up the army.
    • Rune: Select Rune Speed ​​and Critical Rate to optimize attack power and acceleration.
  2. Loren – Light Cow Girl:
    • Loren not only has the ability to slow down opponents, but also reduces their cooldowns.
    • Rune: Focus on Rune Speed ​​and Accuracy to ensure effective speed reduction.
  3. Sigmarus – Water Phoenix:
    • Sigmarus provides great attack power and the ability to freeze opponents.
    • Rune: Odal Rune with special attention to Critical Damage and Attack.

Rune Optimization

  1. Accept Speed:
    • Optimized speed for characters like Verdehile and Loren to gain an advantage in match speed.
  2. Increase Attack Power:
    • Runes with attack themes and crit rates to ensure great attack power from characters like Sigmarus.
  3. Pay Attention to Precision and Nursing:
    • For characters like Loren, ensuring accuracy and nursing efficiency is important to control the match.

Combat Tactics

  1. Speed ​​Control:
    • Use Verdehile and Loren to control your opponent’s speed, reducing their cooldowns.
  2. Combination Attacks:
    • Use Sigmarus to create powerful attacks, freeze opponents and help your team overtake.
  3. Skill Management:
    • Adjust skill usage to ensure maximum performance and avoid waste.

Above are just some basic suggestions to build a strong DB12 army. Learn and tailor your tactics based on the specific characters you own and your challenges in Summoner Wars. Wishing you successful matches!

System Principles Management

  1. Defeating System Principles:
    • Understand the system principles in DB12 to take advantage. This includes understanding the monsters’ special abilities and opportunities to attack.
  2. Seize Opportunities:
    • Watch for opportunities to use skills and attacks effectively. Knowing how to recognize and take advantage of opportunities is an important part of combat tactics.

Building a Defense Team

  1. Emma – Water Neostone Agent:
    • Emma has the ability to heal the army and create a protective shield, helping to increase the squad’s survivability.
    • Rune: Rune with special attention to HP to increase survival power.
  2. Belladeon – Lord of Light (Light Inugami):
    • Belladeon is a key character in DB12 combat with the ability to reduce speed and provide healing support.
    • Rune: Focus on Rune Speed ​​and HP to optimize support power and survival.

Classification of Runes According to Need

  1. Speed, Critical Rate, Attack, và Critical Damage:
    • This rune is suitable for characters like Verdehile and Sigmarus to optimize attack power and acceleration.
  2. HP, Defense, and Accuracy:
    • These Runes are important for characters like Loren, Emma, ​​and Belladeon to increase survival power and ensure skill performance.

Adjust Tactics According to the Situation

  1. Facing Challenges:
    • Change tactics based on monster type and their attack abilities. A flexible strategy can be the key to success.
  2. Learn From Every Match:
    • Record and analyze each match to better understand your team’s strengths and weaknesses, thereby adjusting your tactics in a positive direction.

Best Team Recommended For DB12


Building a powerful DB12 army isn’t just about choosing characters and runes, it’s also about tactics and management. Understanding the system principles, taking advantage of opportunities and adjusting tactics based on the situation will help you overcome challenges and bring about great victories in the magical world of Summoner Wars.

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