How to build team GB10 (Beginer to Speed)

How to build team GB10

Welcome to the world of Summoners War Tutorial, One of the core challenges in this game is conquering the Giants B10 dungeon, often referred to as GB10. Whether you’re a seasoned Summoner looking to optimize your team or a beginner taking your first steps into this massive fantasy world, this tutorial will guide you through the process of building a GB10 team, starting from the basics and gradually advancing towards a high-speed, efficient setup.

In Summoners War, success depends on your ability to assemble powerful teams of monsters, known as “Runes,” and strategically deploy them in various battles and dungeons. Among these dungeons, GB10 stands out as a pivotal milestone, offering valuable resources, including runes that significantly impact your monster’s performance in both PvE (Player vs. Environment) and PvP (Player vs. Player) battles.

How to build team GB10
How to build team GB10

This tutorial will break down the journey into three distinct phases:

  • Why Giant’s Keep (GB) important to players
  • How to build team GB10 for Beginner
  • Build team Semi-Speed GB10
  • Build team Speed GB10

I – Why Giant’s Keep (GB) important to players

The Giant’s Keep (GB) dungeon, particularly Giant’s Keep B10 (GB10), is crucial to players in Summoners War for several significant reasons:

  1. Rune Farming: GB10 is the primary source of runes, crucial for powering up and enhancing monster abilities.
  2. Mana Stones: It yields a substantial amount of Mana Stones, the game’s currency, used for various activities.
  3. Summoning Materials: Players obtain Unknown Scrolls for summoning new monsters and Rainbowmon for evolving monsters.
  4. Powering Up Monsters: GB10 runes significantly boost monster stats, making them stronger in battles.
  5. Rune Quality: High-quality runes with valuable substats drop in GB10, enhancing monster performance.
  6. Progression Milestone: Clearing GB10 signifies players’ readiness for more challenging content.
  7. Daily Missions and Achievements: GB10 is part of daily missions and achievements, granting additional rewards.
  8. PvP and Guild Wars: Well-runed monsters from GB10 are crucial for success in player-versus-player modes.

In conclusion, Giant’s Keep (GB10) is essential for Summoners War players because it provides a consistent source of high-quality runes, Mana Stones, summoning materials, and various other resources needed for progression and success in the game. As you continue to improve your GB10 team and acquire better runes, you’ll be better equipped to tackle more challenging content and achieve higher rankings in various aspects of the game.

II- How to build team GB10 for Beginner

Building a GB10 (Giants B10) team for beginners in Summoners War is a critical step toward progression in the game. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to construct a basic and effective GB10 team for beginners:

Team 1 (GB10 Starter Team):

How to build team GB10 for Beginner – Team 1
  1. Veromos (Leader)
    • Role: Leader, Cleanser, Damage Dealer
    • Rune Recommendations: Swift/Energy (Speed/HP/HP or Speed/HP/Defense)
    • Veromos is essential for cleansing harmful effects from your team and applying continuous damage to the boss. His leader skill provides additional HP, improving the team’s survivability.
  2. Belladeon
    • Role: Healer, Defense Breaker
    • Rune Recommendations: Swift/Focus (Speed/HP/HP or Speed/HP/Defense)
    • Belladeon serves as your primary healer and brings a valuable defense break debuff, enhancing your team’s damage output.
  3. Bernard
    • Role: Buffer, Speed Booster
    • Rune Recommendations: Swift/Focus (Speed/HP/HP or Speed/HP/Defense)
    • Bernard boosts your team’s attack bar and increases overall speed, helping your monsters take more turns. His attack break debuff also reduces incoming damage.
  4. Shannon
    • Role: Buffer, Crowd Controller
    • Rune Recommendations: Despair/Focus (HP/HP/HP or HP/HP/Defense)
    • Shannon provides essential buffs (Attack and Defense increase) and contributes to crowd control with stuns and slow debuffs.
  5. Darion (Highly Recommended)
    • Role: Damage Reducer, Support
    • Rune Recommendations: Energy/Guard (HP/HP/HP or HP/HP/Defense)
    • Darion shares damage taken with the enemy through his passive, adding an extra layer of survivability to your team.

Build a Stable Turn Order:

Aim for a turn order like Bernard > Shannon > Belladeon > Veromos > Darion.
Bernard boosts your team’s attack bar, Shannon provides buffs, Belladeon heals, Veromos cleanses, and Darion adds survivability.

Ensure Adequate Stats

Aim for at least 15,000 HP on your support monsters (Shannon, Bernard, Belladeon) and 20,000+ HP on Veromos and Darion.
Reach a minimum of 45% accuracy on Veromos for debuff cleansing.
Get as much speed as possible on Bernard and Shannon to make your team more efficient.

Team 2 (Farmable Starter Team):

How to build team GB10 for Beginner – Team 2
  1. Fran (Leader)
    • Role: Leader, Healer, Buffer
    • Rune Recommendations: Swift/Focus (Speed/HP/HP or Speed/HP/Defense)
    • Fran is an excellent leader for her Attack Power boost and provides healing, immunity, and attack buffs.
  2. Sath
    • Role: Damage Dealer
    • Rune Recommendations: Fatal/Blade (Attack/Attack/Attack)
    • Sath brings single-target and AoE damage to clear waves efficiently.
  3. Mellia (x2)
    • Role: Damage Dealer
    • Rune Recommendations: Fatal/Blade (Attack/Attack/Attack)
    • Mellia offers consistent damage output, benefiting from Fran’s buffs.
  4. Tatu
    • Role: Support, Crowd Controller
    • Rune Recommendations: Swift/Focus (Speed/HP/HP or Speed/HP/Defense)
    • Tatu can control the enemy with stuns, helping to minimize damage taken.

Both teams cater to different scenarios, with Team 1 focusing on a basic GB10 team, while Team 2 offers a farmable alternative. As you progress and acquire better runes and monsters, you can customize and optimize your team further for faster and safer runs.

III- Build team Semi-Speed GB10

Building a Semi-Speed GB10 team in Summoners War focuses on clearing the Giant’s Keep B10 dungeon efficiently while maintaining a degree of safety. Here’s a guide on constructing such a team:

Build team GB10 Semi-Speed

1. Core Monsters:

  • Lushen (Wind Joker): Lushen is a key damage dealer for a semi-speed GB10 team due to his powerful area-of-effect (AoE) damage.
  • Galleon (Water Pirate Captain): Galleon brings a critical role as both a defense breaker and an attack buffer, greatly increasing your team’s damage output.
  • Loren (Fire Bounty Hunter): Loren is crucial for her attack bar reduction and defense break abilities. She also has a multi-hit skill to strip the boss’s immunity.

2. Support Monsters:

  • Veromos (Ifrit – Wind): Veromos acts as a cleanser to remove harmful effects from your team and provides additional HP lead. He helps ensure stability.
  • Belladeon (Light Inugami): Belladeon offers a heal, defense break, and consistent damage. Swift or Violent runes work well on him.

3. Rune Recommendations:

  • Lushen: Rage/Blade (Attack/CD/Attack) with an emphasis on high attack, critical rate, critical damage, and speed substats.
  • Galleon: Swift/Will (Speed/HP/HP) with a focus on high speed, accuracy, and tankiness to ensure his survival.
  • Loren: Swift/Focus (Speed/HP/HP) with a strong focus on speed and accuracy.
  • Veromos: Violent or Swift/Energy (Speed/HP/HP) with a focus on speed, HP, and accuracy.
  • Belladeon: Violent or Swift/Focus (Speed/HP/HP) with a focus on speed, HP, accuracy, and tankiness.

4. Turn Order and Strategy:

  • Loren should move first to apply defense break and reduce the Giant’s attack bar.
  • Galleon follows to apply attack buff and reduce defense.
  • Lushen deals damage with his third skill (Amputation Magic).
  • Veromos and Belladeon should move last to provide additional damage and healing while ensuring the team stays cleansed and healthy.
  • Focus on the Giant boss while using Galleon’s Time to Loot skill to reduce his defense and increase your damage.
  • Keep Veromos’s and Belladeon’s cleansing abilities ready for when the Giant applies harmful effects to your team.

5. Speed and Accuracy:

  • Aim for high speed on all monsters to maximize turn cycling and efficiency.
  • Ensure high accuracy on Loren, Galleon, and Veromos to land crucial debuffs consistently.

By building and optimizing a Semi-Speed GB10 team following these guidelines, you can significantly improve your farming efficiency while maintaining a good level of success and safety in clearing the Giant’s Keep B10 dungeon.

IV- Build team Speed GB10

Building a Speed GB10 (Giants B10) team in Summoners War focuses on clearing the dungeon as quickly as possible while maintaining a balance of damage and survivability. Here’s a guide on constructing such a team:

How to build team GB10 (Beginer to Speed)

1. Core Monsters:

  • Lushen (Wind Joker): Lushen is the cornerstone of a Speed GB10 team, thanks to his powerful area-of-effect (AoE) damage.
  • Galleon (Water Pirate Captain): Galleon serves as both a defense breaker and an attack buffer, greatly boosting your team’s damage output.
  • Loren (Fire Bounty Hunter): Loren is vital for her attack bar reduction and defense break abilities, as well as her multi-hit skill to strip the boss’s immunity.

2. Support Monsters:

  • Sigmarus (Water Phoenix): Sigmarus brings additional AoE damage and a powerful leader skill that increases the critical rate of all water monsters, making your team more reliable.
  • Tarq (Water Hellhound): Tarq provides consistent damage with his multi-hit attacks and attack buff, contributing to faster runs.

3. Rune Recommendations:

  • Lushen: Rage/Blade (Attack/CD/Attack) with an emphasis on high attack, critical rate, critical damage, and speed substats.
  • Galleon: Swift/Will (Speed/HP/HP) with a focus on high speed, accuracy, and tankiness.
  • Loren: Swift/Focus (Speed/HP/HP) with a strong focus on speed and accuracy.
  • Sigmarus: Fatal/Blade (Attack/CD/Attack) with a focus on high attack, critical rate, critical damage, and speed substats.
  • Tarq: Swift/Blade (Attack/CD/Attack) with a focus on high attack, critical rate, critical damage, and speed substats.

4. Turn Order and Strategy:

  • Loren should move first to apply defense break and reduce the Giant’s attack bar.
  • Galleon follows to apply attack buff and reduce defense.
  • Lushen and Sigmarus deal massive AoE damage.
  • Tarq provides additional damage and attack buff, increasing the team’s damage potential further.
  • Focus on the Giant boss while using Galleon’s Time to Loot skill to reduce his defense and increase your damage.

By building and optimizing a Speed GB10 team following these guidelines, you can significantly reduce your dungeon run times, allowing you to farm high-quality runes and other valuable resources more efficiently.

V – Conclusion

In this guide, we’ve covered the journey of building a versatile Giants B10 (GB10) team in Summoners War, catering to players at different stages of their gameplay. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to transition into a high-speed team, we’ve provided essential insights for your success.

For beginners, we emphasized the importance of acquiring core monsters like Veromos, Belladeon, Shannon, Bernard, and Darion. These farmable or easily obtainable units lay the foundation for a reliable GB10 team. Focusing on suitable rune sets, leveling, evolving, and maxing skills were key steps in building your initial team.

As you progress, transitioning to a semi-speed team becomes feasible. Monsters like Lushen, Galleon, and Loren come into play, delivering higher damage output and faster clears. Swift, Violent, and other rune sets are emphasized to ensure your team’s efficiency.

Finally, for those aiming for maximum efficiency, we introduced the concept of a Speed GB10 team. With core monsters such as Lushen, Galleon, Loren, Sigmarus, and Tarq, you can dramatically reduce run times. Swift and damage-focused rune builds become essential, allowing you to farm runes and resources swiftly.

This guide provides a versatile roadmap, allowing you to adapt and progress at your own pace. Remember that building an effective GB10 team is a stepping stone to greater achievements in Summoners War. For further in-depth tutorials and valuable insights into the game, consider exploring resources like Summoners War Guide on XGame.Wiki.

With dedication and strategic planning, you’ll master the art of GB10 team building and embark on a successful Summoners War journey. May your monsters be powerful, your runes abundant, and your victories plentiful in the world of summoning!

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