Build Team ToA SW- Teams, Monsters & Runes

Build Team ToA SW

In this post, we embark on a thrilling adventure into the depths of the game, focusing on a crucial aspect of your journey: “Build Team ToA” – assembling teams, selecting the right monsters, and mastering the art of rune management to conquer the formidable Trial of Ascension (ToA).

The ToA is a challenging and rewarding game mode that pushes your abilities to the limit. To conquer this monumental challenge, you must do more than just summon powerful monsters; you must build a team that is finely tuned to overcome the unique trials that await you on each floor.

This guide we will explore the intricate process of assembling the perfect team, delving into the selection of monsters, and diving deep into the mystical world of runes to optimize your squad’s potential. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to this treacherous climb, this post will equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to reach new heights in the ToA.

Build Team ToA SW
Build Team ToA SW

What is ToA, And Why Farm it?

The Trial of Ascension (ToA) stands as a monumental challenge that beckons to all summoners. ToA is a special game mode that offers a unique and rewarding experience, distinct from other aspects of the game. But what exactly is ToA, and why should you invest your time and energy into farming it?

What is ToA?

The Trial of Ascension is a series of 100 progressively more challenging floors, each presenting a formidable lineup of monsters and bosses. As you ascend through the floors, you’ll face a variety of battle conditions, including crowd control, elemental advantages, and unique boss mechanics. ToA is designed to test your strategic prowess, team-building skills, and adaptability as a summoner.

ToA is divided into two rotations: Normal and Hard. Normal mode is accessible from the beginning and provides valuable rewards such as mystical scrolls, crystals, and summoning pieces. Hard mode, unlocked after completing Normal, offers even greater challenges and more enticing rewards, including powerful monsters and legendary scrolls.

Why Player Need Farm ToA?

Reward Riches: ToA is a treasure trove of valuable rewards. Completing each floor grants you energy, experience points, and mana, along with summoning pieces that can lead to rare monster acquisitions. The higher you climb, the more lucrative the rewards become, including exclusive monsters and legendary scrolls in Hard mode.

Rune Heaven: ToA is an excellent source of high-quality runes. The higher floors yield runes with superior stats and set bonuses, making it an essential destination for rune farming. These runes can significantly boost your monster’s power and help you tackle other challenging game modes.

Skill Books and Rainbowmons: Throughout your ToA journey, you’ll accumulate skill books and Rainbowmons. Skill books are crucial for enhancing your monster’s abilities, while Rainbowmons can be used to level up other monsters quickly. Both are invaluable resources in your progression.

Test Your Limits: ToA offers a unique challenge that pushes you to expand your monster roster, develop diverse strategies, and hone your skills as a summoner. It provides a satisfying sense of accomplishment as you overcome each floor’s challenges.

Monster Acquisition: Hard mode rewards include some of the most sought-after monsters in the game, making ToA a prime avenue for expanding your monster collection with powerful allies.

In summary, the Trial of Ascension is not just another game mode in “Summoners War“; it’s a thrilling adventure filled with rich rewards and unique challenges. Whether you’re aiming for rare monsters, top-tier runes, or a test of your strategic acumen, ToA is a journey worth embarking on for summoners seeking to reach new heights in the game. So, prepare your best team, strategize wisely, and ascend to victory in the Trial of Ascension!

You can reading post: How To Build Team DB10 2023 (Beginner To Speed)

II. Build Team ToA And Runes Basic

Building a core team for the Trial of Ascension (ToA) in games like Summoners War requires not only the right monsters but also proper rune builds to optimize their performance. Building a basic ToA squad is not too complicated, Here’s a suggested core team for ToA along with the recommended rune requirements you can try:

Build Team ToA SW- Teams, Monsters & Runes
Build Team ToA SW- Teams, Monsters & Runes

Baretta (Fire Sylph) – Leader Skill: Increase Attack Speed in Dungeons

Baretta is a staple ToA monster due to his powerful AoE (Area of Effect) abilities, including his third skill, “Phoenix’s Fury,” which inflicts Continuous Damage on enemies. His leader skill boosts your team’s attack speed, helping you cycle through turns faster.

Runes – Despair/Focus or Violent/Focus:

  • Slot 2: Speed
  • Slot 4: HP%
  • Slot 6: Accuracy or HP%

Veromos (Dark Ifrit)

Veromos is another indispensable monster, known for his ability to cleanse harmful effects from your team and stun enemies with his first skill. His passive, “Leader Skill: HP Leader,” also provides a significant HP boost, increasing your team’s survivability.

Rune Build – Violent/Nemesis or Swift/Energy

  • Slot 2: Speed
  • Slot 4: HP%
  • Slot 6: HP%

Belladeon (Light Inugami)

Belladeon is a versatile support monster with a heal, defense break, and a single-target strip skill. Her heal, “Mobilize,” helps keep your team’s HP up, while the defense break on her “Seize” skill improves your team’s damage output.

Rune Build- Violent/Focus or Swift/Focus

  • Slot 2: Speed
  • Slot 4: HP%
  • Slot 6: Accuracy

Mav (Wind Penguin Knight)

Mav is an excellent choice for ToA because of his ability to reduce cooldowns with “Squeeze.” This helps you use your skills more frequently, making it easier to control enemy waves and bosses. Mav also provides a team-wide speed buff.

Rune Build – Violent/Energy or Swift/Energy

  • Slot 2: Speed
  • Slot 4: HP%
  • Slot 6: HP%

Spectra (Fire Griffon)

Spectra brings a unique skill set to the team with his “Special Assault” ability, which slows the attack bar of enemies and deals damage based on their max HP. He also provides a speed debuff and helps control enemy turns.

Rune Build – Swift/Focus or Violent/Focus

  • Slot 2: Speed
  • Slot 4: HP%
  • Slot 6: Accuracy

Basalt (Dark Mammoth)

Basalt is an excellent option for ToA as a tanky support monster. His “Wild Roar” ability not only deals damage but also reduces the attack bars of enemies while providing a defense buff to your team. Basalt’s sustain and crowd control make him invaluable.

Rune Build – Violent/Will or Energy/Will

  • Slot 2: Speed
  • Slot 4: HP%
  • Slot 6: Defense%

Rune Requirements and Tips:

Build Team ToA SW- Teams, Monsters & Runes
Build Team ToA SW- Teams, Monsters & Runes

Speed Tuning: Ensure that your monsters are speed-tuned so that they move in the desired order, typically Baretta > Veromos > Belladeon > Mav > Spectra > Basalt. This sequencing helps with crowd control and sustain.

Accuracy: Aim for at least 45% accuracy on most monsters, especially those who apply debuffs or need to land critical skills. Baretta, Belladeon, and Spectra benefit greatly from high accuracy.

Tankiness: Your team should be tanky enough to withstand enemy attacks. Focus on HP% and Defense% runes for survivability.

Speed: Speed is essential for ToA. It allows your team to take more turns and control enemy waves effectively. Slot 2 Speed runes are crucial.

Violent Runes: Violent sets can help your monsters cycle through their abilities faster, providing more crowd control and utility.

Despair Runes: Despair sets on Baretta and other monsters with AoE skills can stun enemies, adding to your control.

Swift Runes: Swift sets are a good alternative to Violent if you can’t obtain Violent runes early on. They provide a straightforward speed boost.

Nemesis Runes: Nemesis on Veromos can help him cleanse more often by gaining turns when he takes damage.

Will Runes: Will sets on key monsters like Basalt can prevent them from being debuffed at the start of each stage, ensuring their skills are available.

Remember that specific stat requirements may vary based on your monster’s base stats and the level of ToA you’re attempting. Continuously upgrade and improve your runes as you progress through ToA to meet the demands of higher floors. Trial and error may be necessary to fine-tune your team and runes for different stages and boss fights.

III. Best ToA & ToAH Monsters (Runes, Stats, & Builds)

When assembling a team for the Trial of Ascension (ToA) and its harder counterpart, the Trial of Ascension Hard (ToAH), it’s crucial to consider the minimum stats, rune sets, and builds for your monsters. Below, I’ll provide a list of recommended monsters along with their minimum stat requirements, rune sets, and ideal builds:

Build Team ToA SW- Teams, Monsters & Runes
Build Team ToA SW- Teams, Monsters & Runes

1. Baretta (Fire Sylph)

  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 15,000+
    • Speed: 180+
    • Accuracy: 45%+
  • Rune Set: Despair/Focus (Speed/HP%/Accuracy)
  • Build: Baretta should prioritize Speed for turn cycling, HP% for survivability, and Accuracy for landing his debuffs.

2. Mav (Wind Penguin Knight)

  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 20,000+
    • Speed: 180+
    • Accuracy: 45%+
  • Rune Set: Violent/Focus (Speed/HP%/Accuracy)
  • Build: Mav needs to be speedy to reduce cooldowns. High HP ensures he can tank hits, and Accuracy helps with his provoking skill.

3. Spectra (Fire Griffon)

  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 15,000+
    • Speed: 200+
    • Critical Rate: 70%+
  • Rune Set: Swift/Focus (Speed/HP%/Accuracy)
  • Build: Spectra’s primary job is to reduce the enemy’s attack bar, so Speed and Accuracy are crucial. High Critical Rate helps him deal decent damage.

4. Veromos (Dark Ifrit)

  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 20,000+
    • Speed: 180+
    • Accuracy: 45%+
  • Rune Set: Violent/Energy (Speed/HP%/HP%)
  • Build: Veromos needs Speed to cleanse frequently, HP for survivability, and Accuracy to land his debuffs.

5. Basalt (Dark Mammoth)

  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 30,000+
    • Defense: 1,000+
    • Speed: 170+
  • Rune Set: Violent/Energy (HP%/HP%/HP%)
  • Build: Basalt should be ultra-tanky with high HP and Defense. Speed ensures he takes turns frequently to support the team.

6. Hwa (Fire Rakshasa)

  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 15,000+
    • Speed: 180+
    • Critical Rate: 70%+
  • Rune Set: Violent/Revenge (Speed/Attack%/HP%)
  • Build: Hwa should have high Speed and Critical Rate. Her primary role is to reduce the boss’s attack bar.

7. Gildong (Water Taoist) and Woonhak (Dark Taoist)

  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 15,000+
    • Speed: 180+
    • Accuracy: 45%+
  • Rune Set: Violent/Focus (Speed/HP%/Accuracy)
  • Build: Speed and Accuracy are crucial for these Taoists to land their stuns and attack bar reductions.

8. Thrain (Fire Grim Reaper)

  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 15,000+
    • Speed: 160+
    • Accuracy: 45%+
  • Rune Set: Violent/Focus (Speed/HP%/Accuracy)
  • Build: Thrain relies on landing continuous damage and stuns. Prioritize Speed and Accuracy.

9. Poseidon (Water Sea Emperor)

  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 20,000+
    • Speed: 180+
    • Accuracy: 45%+
  • Rune Set: Despair/Focus (Speed/HP%/Accuracy)
  • Build: Poseidon excels at crowd control and attack bar reduction. Speed and Accuracy are key.

10. Belladeon (Light Inugami)

  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 20,000+
    • Speed: 180+
    • Accuracy: 45%+
  • Rune Set: Violent/Focus (Speed/HP%/Accuracy)
  • Build: Bella’s primary role is to provide healing, defense break, and buff removal. High Speed and Accuracy are crucial for success.

11. Sigmarus (Water Phoenix)

  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 15,000+
    • Attack: 2,000+
    • Critical Rate: 70%+
  • Rune Set: Fatal/Blade (Attack%/Critical Damage%/Attack%)
  • Build: Sigmarus is a powerful nuker with AoE damage and a useful leader skill. Maximize his Attack and Critical Rate.

12. Gany (Wind Fairy King)

  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 20,000+
    • Speed: 200+
    • Accuracy: 45%+
  • Rune Set: Violent/Will (Speed/HP%/Accuracy)
  • Build: Ganymede’s skill cooldown reset and attack bar manipulation abilities are incredibly useful. Speed and Accuracy are paramount.

13. Verdehile (Fire Vampire)

  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 18,000+
    • Speed: 180+
    • Critical Rate: 100%+
  • Rune Set: Violent/Revenge (Speed/Critical Rate/HP%)
  • Build: Verdehile’s turn cycling and attack bar boost are invaluable. Aim for 100% Critical Rate for consistency.

14. Mantura (Dark Serpent)

  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 20,000+
    • Speed: 180+
    • Accuracy: 45%+
  • Rune Set: Despair/Focus (Speed/HP%/Accuracy)
  • Build: Mantura brings AoE defense break and DoTs. High Speed and Accuracy are essential.

15. Water Homunculus (Support Build)

  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 20,000+
    • Speed: 180+
    • Accuracy: 45%+
  • Rune Set: Violent/Focus (Speed/HP%/Accuracy)
  • Build: Water Homunculus can be built as a powerful support with crowd control and healing abilities. Speed and Accuracy are key.

16. Jeanne (Light Paladin)

  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 25,000+
    • Speed: 170+
    • Resistance: 70%+
  • Rune Set: Violent/Nemesis (HP%/HP%/HP%)
  • Build: Jeanne is a great tank with crowd control abilities. Prioritize high HP, decent Speed, and Resistance.

Niche Monsters ToA

Niche monsters can be highly effective in specific Trial of Ascension (ToA) and Trial of Ascension Hard (ToAH) floors due to their unique abilities or attribute advantage. Here are some niche monsters, along with their minimum stat requirements and recommended builds:

1. Neal (Light Fairy)

  • Role: Invincibility Buffer, Healer
  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 15,000+
    • Speed: 160+
    • Resistance: 50%+
  • Rune Set: Swift/Energy (Speed/HP%/HP%)
  • Build: Neal’s invincibility shield is excellent for protecting your team on specific boss stages.

2. Michelle (Wind Epikion Priest)

  • Role: Continuous Healing, Reviver
  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 20,000+
    • Speed: 160+
    • Resistance: 50%+
  • Rune Set: Violent/Energy (Speed/HP%/HP%)
  • Build: Michelle’s revival and continuous healing make her useful in situations where your team faces high damage.

3. Hemos (Water Grim Reaper)

  • Role: Continuous Damage, Stunner
  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 15,000+
    • Speed: 160+
    • Accuracy: 45%+
  • Rune Set: Despair/Focus (Speed/HP%/Accuracy)
  • Build: Hemos can provide both damage and stuns with his DoT skills.

4. Jultan (Dark Werewolf)

  • Role: Reflect Damage, Defense Breaker
  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 25,000+
    • Speed: 160+
    • Resistance: 50%+
  • Rune Set: Violent/Revenge (Speed/HP%/HP%)
  • Build: Jultan’s reflect damage and defense break can be handy for specific ToAH stages.

5. Mimirr (Light Barbaric King)

  • Role: AoE Defense Breaker, DPS
  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 20,000+
    • Speed: 170+
    • Critical Rate: 70%+
  • Rune Set: Violent/Revenge (Speed/Critical Damage/HP%)
  • Build: Mimirr’s AoE defense break can set up for massive damage in certain stages.

6. Zinc (Dark Living Armor)

  • Role: AoE Defense Breaker, Debuffer
  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 20,000+
    • Defense: 1,000+
    • Accuracy: 45%+
  • Rune Set: Despair/Focus (Speed/HP%/Accuracy)
  • Build: Zinc’s AoE defense break and debuffs can be crucial for crowd control.

7. Woochi (Wind Taoist)

  • Role: Attack Bar Reduction, Stunner
  • Minimum Stats:
    • HP: 15,000+
    • Speed: 180+
    • Accuracy: 45%+
  • Rune Set: Violent/Focus (Speed/HP%/Accuracy)
  • Build: Woochi excels at controlling enemy attack bars and stunning.

These niche monsters can shine in specific ToA and ToAH stages due to their unique abilities or attributes. Keep in mind that their effectiveness may vary depending on the floor’s mechanics, so it’s essential to adapt your team composition accordingly. Prioritize the minimum stat requirements and rune sets mentioned for each monster to maximize their potential.


In this comprehensive tutorial, we’ve explored the intricate art of team-building and rune management in “Summoners War,” with a specific focus on excelling in the Trial of Ascension (ToA) and its challenging counterpart, the Trial of Ascension Hard (ToAH). Here’s a summary of the key points covered:

  • Understanding the Challenge: ToA and ToAH are demanding game modes that require careful planning, strategic team composition, and effective rune management.
  • Selecting the Right Monsters: We’ve discussed a range of essential monsters, each with unique skills and roles suitable for conquering ToA and ToAH. These monsters, when properly built and runed, can provide the edge you need to succeed.
  • Rune Management: We’ve highlighted the importance of runes and provided guidance on selecting the right sets and stats for your monsters. Optimizing runes is crucial for maximizing your team’s potential.
  • Adaptability: Remember that team-building is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. You’ll need to adapt your team composition and rune sets to meet the specific challenges posed by different ToA and ToAH floors.
  • Continuous Improvement: Building teams and managing runes is an ongoing process. As you progress through the game and acquire new monsters and runes, continue to refine and evolve your strategies.
  • Share Your Success: “Summoners War” is a community-driven game, and players can learn a great deal from each other. We encourage you to share your success stories, tips, and strategies in the comments section. Together, we can collectively master the art of team-building and rune management in this captivating world.

Remember, success in “Summoners War” is not just about powerful monsters and top-tier runes; it’s about your ability to strategize, adapt, and continuously improve. May your journey be filled with victories, and may you rise to the pinnacle of ToA and ToAH!

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